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University of Nottingham

The University of Nottingham (UNOTT) takes part in ENGICOIN with Synthetic Biology Research Centre placed in Nottingham (SBRC-Nottingham) under the supervision of Prof. Nigel Minton. The SBRC-Nottingham is one of six UKRI synthetic biology research centres and was established in 2014. The centre uses engineering biology approaches to understand and then modify industrially-relevant bacteria. Research is directed towards making useful products including chemicals and fuels from the greenhouse gases: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane. These waste materials are looked as the C1 feedstocks from which useful molecules and products can be made sustainably. Within the ENGICOIN project UNOTT combines expertise from green chemistry, biology, computational sciences, to create optimized chassis for the sustainable production of carbon-based chemicals such as acetone and PHA. 

Team role and expertise in the project

UNOTT’s major role is related to strain engineering for the microbial factories MF 2 and MF 3 in the WP 5 and WP 6 respectively. Significant time is allocated for modelling, data monitoring and control strategy definition in WP 9 and impact analysis in WP 10.

Our people

Nigel Minton
Principal Investigator